
Winter deicing artifact - Snow Brush and Ice Broom


Every winter, old car paintjobs pay the heavy price for […]

Every winter, old car paintjobs pay the heavy price for improper car snow removal, whether it's by corn-straw snow brush steel snow brush, or some other type of snow blower. Using a high-quality foam brush to clean off snow from your car will extend your car's life and prevent premature paint cracking. With just a few bucks, you can get the job done quickly and save the cost of a new paint job. Here's how:

First, don't skimp on the foam brush. Skipping this step will compromise the efficiency of your snow clearing efforts. The difference between a good job and a bad one isn't just in the quality of the snow but in the amount of effort you put into it. Don't be cheap when it comes to the snow brushing process. If you need to clear just a few spots, buy a simple, low-cost brush that will do the job and still give you plenty of time to change it out before the season ends. However, if you need to clear a large area, invest in one of the higher-priced brushes and spend the extra money for a rubber blade for spinning the brush faster.

If you're looking for an easier, less time consuming way of snow removal, consider an electrostatic mop. These devices work by applying static charges to small areas of snow without scratching your paint. Electrostatic snow mops are perfect for light spots or where a snow blower isn't doing a good job because they can reach into the deepest nooks and crannies of snow and ice. Instead of spending hours trying to clear away small amounts of snow with a regular snow brush or snow shovel, an electrostatic mop will get the job done much quicker and much more efficiently.

Another thing that you may want to consider investing in is a snow broom. Snow broom designs vary widely, but in general they have a handle on the side or back that helps you push the broom through the snow faster and with more force. A snow broom makes snow removal much easier because it helps to clear away the snow from deeper parts of a vehicle. For instance, if you have a very deep dent in your fender, a snow broom will help to dig it out and keep it from getting worse. You'll also find these tools useful for removing bird droppings and even road tar, which is sometimes the cause of small chips in your paint.

Finally, if you don't have any of these already, invest in a quality snow brush and broom. Purchase one that's made specifically for clearing ice off vehicles and sidewalks. The plastic bristles work best because they won't create snags under the ice. When you use a standard broom with a standard brush, you'll often end up removing too much or leaving portions of ice behind. Using an ice brush will help you prevent this from happening.

Once you've used one of these brushes or their replacements on your vehicle a few times, you may begin to wonder how you ever managed to live without one. Well, the biggest reason is that you rarely come into contact with the harshness of the plastic bristles on the traditional brushes. When you use one of these brushes on your vehicle's exterior, all you're doing is gently pushing and lifting material off of it

This gently flushing away of material usually leaves your car or sidewalk looking better than it has in months. Since plastic bristles don't scratch, you can rest assured that any scratches you might have incurred from using traditional brushes are now completely faded away.

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